9850307383 / 9373110292 info@excelinteriors.org
7 Reasons why Civil Engineers make good Interior Designers

7 Reasons why Civil Engineers make good Interior Designers

civil Engineering course at Excel Interior Design Institute
Civil Engineer in a variety of roles

Civil Engineering & Architecture are the closest fields related to Interior Design. There are these 7 reasons which make Interior Design a favorite profession for a Civil Engineers.

  1. Civil Engineers are equipped with the knowledge of technical drawing, construction & graphics. These subjects help them integrate Interior design as their skill set, very fast.
  2. While a civil engineer designs a building, his client always expects him to suit all his micro requirements and handover a complete project. Additional knowledge of Interior Designing will always help him cater to the client in a better manner.
  3. Civil engineering demands a lot of construction field work which is not always possible for every individual, especially girls who plan to get married and take over family responsibilities. Interior design knowledge imparts them freedom to practise as professional while they are taking care of their responsibilities as well.
  4. Involved in the design & execution of building structure, Civil engineers understand the possibilities of renovation way better than others.
  5. Building construction skills have imbibed a level of perfection in the working of a civil engineer. This becomes his key strength while practising as an interior designer.
  6. As part of their profession, an Architect & Civil Engineer also engages in client interaction, to know their exact needs. This helps them micro plan for the client’s requirements as an Interiors Designer.
  7. Wear & tear of material & impact of whether on the surfaces can be very well anticipated by Civil Engineers.
Interior Design at Excel Interiors
Sketch of a Residence in making by a Designer

In nut shell, Civil Engineers can very well strengthen their skill sets by integration Interior Design in their professional practise.

At Excel Interior Design Institute, have initiated a special course for Civil engineers & Architects which includes all the basics of Interiors like Materials, Services, Vastu Shastra, Budgeting, Carpentry etc. along with exposure on a running site to add Project Management & Design detailing to a one year course. This is a very limited seat option with a single batch to be enrolled per year. For more details log on to https://excelinterior.org/why-excel/ or whatsapp on 9850307383.

Life lessons from Monopoly…

Life lessons from Monopoly…

Monopoly with Excel Interior Design Institute,Nagpur.

With an optimistic viewpoint, we are spending this lock down time as an opportunity to gear up kids for a brighter future, if not the rat race. Playing the board game – Monopoly is thus, an obvious choice. This game is called Business in India. In our childhood, we mostly played it for the fun of handling money, owning properties, adventure of going to jail & getting married number of times. But now as entrepreneurs ourselves, we took it as a fortuity to make kids adsorb the lessons that come with money, power & responsibilities that follow.

When the game started, it was all hunky-dory. Having lot of money, buying properties & services, getting rewards & paying taxes was all fun. But slowly, as the game deepened, it was time to create monopoly & build assets. Now as an experiment, my 14 year old son Ansh, wanted to buy a property of each colour, to hinder everyone from holding a monopoly in any specific colour. So he purchased a property in 4 times more cost than its value. That seemed adventurous to him at first. We decided not to object, for he must take his own lessons. Soon, his finances dipped, as he ended up paying Income tax & wealth tax heavily. So also, as he was himself not holding a monopoly, he was also not earning any rent on the assets. Now with so little cash in hand, he could neither upgrade his properties, nor ask for higher rents and eventually had to mortgage them at lower prices. Soon he realized that in a zeal to harm others u first set your own tent on fire.

Our younger son who is 8 year old, was also an independent player. Too young to get the nitigrities of money, he was jumping with energy & playing with least attention. He was happily collecting rents on services, in hundreds while others where collecting rent on houses & hotels in thousands.

At a time, when he had a lot of cash, & his brother was dipped low in debts, i asked him, “Ishaan, 20 years from now, if some day, you come to know that bhaiya isn’t doing good financially, what will you do?” He took a pause for a moment & replied, “I will transfer a good amount into his bank account & not say a word about it.” That gave me immense satisfaction, thinking that i have done my bit as a parent it seems.

Later the younger one lost all his money, as he wasn’t building assets. A chap, who was earlier playing with least attention, eating mangoes in between, now sat erect and started valuing every Rs.100/- note that was coming to him. As he is very closely attached to me being his mother, he wasn’t bargaining on deals with me. This also made him face the heat & so, ‘Don’t mix business with emotions’ was the next lesson that came hard way.

Decision making & taking calculated risks were strengthened when they decided about which property to build houses & hotels on. Father asked questions before they took important moves to make them here their own logic. The co-relation between expense & income was best felt when they had to pay 5,000/- as tariff of hotel while they were earning only 1400/- as rent sometimes.

So many life lessons & money matters came handy, in a play way manner like never before. The game lasted for 8 hours but the lessons learnt were for life time.

Is Different always DIFFERENT in Interiors? Part-1

Is Different always DIFFERENT in Interiors? Part-1

Over the years of practice as an Architect & Interior Designer, i have always come across clients sharing their desires for their home decor or workplaces in simple terms like…”I want it really simple.” “I want it classy.” “I want my house to match the class of my friends.” And so on…But the most dangerous are the ones who say, “I want my house to look Different.”What do you think the client means, when he says, “I want my space designed Uniquely?”

Understanding the meaning of their term ‘Different’ is indeed a task. Their choices, their exposure to different styles and their influences are all masked behind this single term ‘DIFFERENT’.

Here in this blog, i wish to touch a few case studies to evaluate the term different with some extreme examples. I would also be sharing a few aspects of Interiors through which designers try to justify their client’s Different.

1. Use of DIFFERENT Colour

Mera Wala Blue….Please..
  1. Client’s obsession for a specific colour say ‘blue’ is so evident but designer’s interpretation of his obsession has surely failed.
Visual balancing of colour….
  1. This is another way in which the same obsession for Blue colour could be handled by balancing it with a lighter or less dominating colour like white. By maintaining just one wall of the colour, designer has allowed a lot of breathing space for the observer.
  2. Also, bright colours sometimes tend to fade or peel off showing it significantly. In such situations, its always comfortable to redo the whole wall if its treated singly.

2. Excessive use of Bright Colours

“I love warm colours. But not so much.”
Theme based Design or OVER-DESIGN..?
  • Excessive use of colours is abusive. It’s visually tiresome & suffocating.
  • While selecting each item, we might find the colour suitable for that item. But a collective effect  is to be visualised of their final assembly.
  • People sometimes over commit to the theme of the place like a restaurant or kids entertainment etc. But over treatment at any point is purely criminal & excessive use of saturated colours is the culprit element.
Use of bright colours in spacious Interiors is justified.
Bright but balanced depiction of theme.
  • Concentration of colour Vs the total volume in hand also is a deciding factor. In a larger space, brighter colours can be acceptable as only a smaller portion of the colours is going to fall in the picture frame at a time.

3. “Crowd is nothing but crowd”.

Each individual element is unique but together they are just leading to a crowded space.

Over Emphasis is hazardous
  1. Sometimes people also tend to get carried away by graphics or shapes or elements. One needs to arrive at a personal scale of balance for the use of elements & textures both.
  2. Using curvilinear shapes deserve a deeper understating of context of design & scale at which they are being used. Also juxtaposing them with rectilinear volumes needs careful working.
Misused informal elements in formal space.
Client’s passion integrated in design.
  1. Literal but humble translation of theme, fascinations or inspirations impart a personal touch to the space. So bringing them in, with an adequate sense of balance is exactly what a designer is hired for.

In nutshell, Over-Treatment is the key to a disastrous outcome in Interiors. I would be elaborating on this topic more in my next blog
“Is Different always DIFFERENT in Interiors?” Part-2

At Excel Interior Design Institute,Nagpur we rope in experts from the industry to share their earned wisdom to differentiate between Treatment & Over-Treatment. For more on this, u can log on to https://excelinteriors.org/why-excel/

7 Bold differences between Antique & Modern Interiors

7 Bold differences between Antique & Modern Interiors

Classical Interior design for Excel Interior Design Institute nagpur

Modern Interior design styles might be a choice for many, but love for Antiques can never be outdated. Let’s explore the 7 bold reasons amongst the in-numerous others for this.

1. Elegance Vs Boldness

Classical Interiors move from micro level detailing to macro level patterns. Each and every corner is decorated with delicate natural elements influenced by Flora & Fauna. Fragility of shapes & their relativity with God’s creation – ‘Nature’ is the soul of Classical beauty. Modern Interiors are attempts to break this goodie feel into more realistic forms from day to day life. Their love for machinery is best exhibited in modern interiors.

Modern Interior design for Excel Interior Design Institute nagpur

2. Rigidity Vs Free flowing Geometry

Strength of a Classical Baroque Design style in Interiors is its rigid Geometrical pattern. Modern Interiors believe in flow of vision. An onlooker will feel contented looking at an Antique interior design for its hold in symmetry & patterns while in Modern Interiors he will be continuously amazed by the changing meaning of the space as he moves in it.

Classical Interior design for Excel Interior Design Institute nagpur

3. Maximalist Vs Minimalist

Classical Interiors purely believes in filling every space available with its influential patterns, attractive elements & elegant shapes. While the floor carpet is heavily geometric & non reflective, the molded ceilings & capitals of columns add intricacy. Crowded is the word used by simplicity lovers for this ambiance. Exactly contrasting to this, modern interiors are minimalist with a lot of breathing space, scope for interpretation & peace of mind. Sleekness, un-carved edges, cleaner & reflective floors & walls, bold but small focal elements mark these relaxed spaces.

4. Elements Vs Volumes

While the royal elements play key role in creating the aesthetic appeal of an Antique Interior Design, Modern interiors firmly believe in play of volumes to create an impactful beauty. Common amongst the two contrasting philosophies is the play of Shadows. While classical elements create shadows at micro level, modern masses play with voids & volumes.

5. Literal Vs Applied Carpentry

Classical Interiors carry the primitive carpentry joints with pride & elegance. Modern Interiors believe in hiding the joints to keep the design focus on its volumes & shapes.

6. Subtle Vs Bright colours

Antique Interiors use pastel shades but in larger surfaces, while modern interiors use colours brightly but obey the minimalist discipline.

7. Natural textures Vs Stark textures

Classical Interiors value the raw appeal of natural material like wood, stone, rustic metal, worn off paints etc. Modern Interiors use glasses, Mirrors, leather, fur etc for textural appeal along with natural textures. This is a mere reflection of respect for the available materials in the era when the specific style was in its bloom.

These are not all, but are enough to mark the differences between Antique Interiors that believe in “More is Less”…. While its Modern counterpart has proved that “Less is More”.

Transform your Education into Professional Expertise

Transform your Education into Professional Expertise

In a University Convocation Ceremony, the Chief Guest asked, “What is the significance of the documents called Degree OR Diploma?” He continued answering it,” It’s just a receipt of the expenses made to achieve it. It’s worth only when the education acquired through it is utilized in the growth of an individual & there by a society”

Excel Interior Design Institute has taken the path of establishing Field ready Interior Designers. All along this journey of six years we have come across few specific segments of the society, aspiring for entering into a professional career. Here i would like to share the benefits of becoming an Interior Designer trained through the practical perspective to these specific segments:

  1. Civil Engineers:

Civil Engineering is one of the most respectful branches of Engineering. Those who find their placements in progressing construction companies are contented. But others, who intend to be Self Employed, find themselves at a crossroad. For them Interior designing is a great career option with following benefits:

  • Self-Dependent progressive career.
  • Higher scope for Creativity.
  • Due to urbanization, scope of Interior design is increasing multiple times.
  • Relatively less field runs, so a preferred integration for girls.

2. Home Maker who wished to contribute with her Education:

Thought of a 10 am – 6 pm job is scary for those who have started re-thinking about their career after few years of marriage. Interior Design as a choice for career brings following advantages:

  • Strong sense of self identity.
  • Their style quotient can add strength to the profession.
  • Professional & Financial Independence
  • Creative field with growth & joy of innovating every day.
  • Free Lancing is possible, they can decide their work schedule to suite their family commitments.

3.Drop Outs from any field:

Dropping out is not Failing at all. Rather it’s about knowing what you don’t want. If they are creatively inclined, then Interior design poses several benefits for them:

  1. Regained sense of strength.
  2. Takes only 2-years to become a field ready professional, if matching with the pace of the batch, is a concern.
  3. Financial independence is fast achieved.
  4. Respectable, innovative & continuously growing field of creativity handled every day.

4. Fine Artists:

Connecting with ART is connecting with GOD. With a developed sense of aesthetics the Fine Artists can rule the world of Beauty. Then why restrict it to a few paintings, pottery, sculptures or murals? Why not create a complete environment filled with joy of colours & creativity by becoming an Interior Designer?

  1. With the advent of print media, there are fewer takers for original piece of Art.
  2. Interior Design is a regular flow of work that will integrate the Art with Functionality & impart greater meaning to the work.

5. Graduates from other fields:

Bachelors of Arts (B.A), Commerce (B.Com) Science (B.Sc.) do not lead to a profession. Having a self Dependent profession will add

  1. Financial & social independence,
  2. Path to grow & prosper,
  3. Social recognition & ambition to abide to.

Connect to a Progressive Career or Professional Goal with your creative skills. Join Interior Design profession & keeping growing.

9 Live Elements to add life to your Interior Design

9 Live Elements to add life to your Interior Design

In a calm quiet family, who charges up the evenings or the Family events? They are those magnetic people, who bring in the flavor of energy, laughter & joy with their spontaneity & positive charismatic persona.

Just the same way, there are specific elements in Interior Design which hold the power to add that dynamic character & charm to a decently designed Interior space. Following are 9 most influential elements from the long list.

sunlight at Excel Interior Design Institute nagpur
Playful Sunshine
  • 1. Sunlight – The most dynamic of all live Elements is sunlight. When Sunlight penetrates deep into an Interior space, it imparts warmth, charm, brightness & positivity to the ambiance. Its ever changing reflection due to the Sun Path also adds the element of interest.
greenery at Excel Interior Design Institute nagpur
Charm of Greenery
  • 2. Live Plants – They bring in the needed pleasing sight, element of growth & prosperity to the space. They swing with the breeze; they grow a bit every day & the colorful flowers if present, as cherry on the cake. Live plants can just absorb all the toxic energy in the vicinity & add to the freshness.
candles at Excel Interior Design Institute nagpur
Candles lit the world around…
  • 3. Candles – That needed trinket of glamour is added to a mundane Interior space, through a flame of candle. It is also significant as it represents the element of FIRE which is one of the constituting factors in nature.
water at Excel Interior Design Institute nagpur
Splashes that add life
  • 4. Water – Water in its purest form, flowing or stagnant has the quality to absorb the vibrations & attract attention. It can pacify the discomfort in seconds with its cooling quality. Tickling the sense of hearing, flowing water transposes the surrounding into a natural setting of a flowing cascade of water.
mirror at Excel Interior Design Institute nagpur
“Mirror ..Mirror.. Tell it all”
  • 5. Mirror – Mirrors tend to multiply the appearance of space. They also multiply light, movement if any & the beauty around. Brown or grey mirrors add the needed glamour with their use in Interiors.
arte fact at Excel Interior Design Institute nagpur
Shadows speak louder..
  • 6. 3D Murals – We normally tend to buy artifacts or murals for their face value. But to me, what appeals the most is the play of shadow that it casts on the walls & the floor around, with ever changing shapes & patterns.
bells at Excel Interior Design Institute nagpur
Auspicious association
windchime at Excel Interior Design Institute nagpur
The chanting tree…
  • 7. Wind Chimes – They awaken the sense of hearing & make the presence of wind significant. The ringing sound of the brass bell outside our temples or churches which is loud yet soothing brings us in the present with its long & deep reverberations. Thick & thin brass bells, earthen bells, steel or glass bells, all have distinctly identifiable sounds that can be chosen according to the space around & quantum of breeze. But they might be a point of irritation for extreme peace lovers.
aroma at Excel Interior Design Institute nagpur
Fragrance full of life
  • 8. Incense Sticks or Aroma Diffuses – Available in a variety of fragrances, these also use essential oils for the therapeutic value that stimulates brain & relaxes body. As they arouse the sense of smell & sight both, using natural flowers is also a beautiful way of achieving the needed value. Camphor also carries strong fragrance & medicinal value.
abstract painting at Excel Interior Design Institute nagpur
Re Interpret…
  • 9. Abstract Art pieces – Abstract art compels the viewer to interpret it in his own way, thus engrossing the onlooker completely. The best are the ones, which can be interpreted in a different manner, every time you look at them with a different mood. This according to me a wonderful method of forgetting the world & there by meditating.
Role of an Interior Designer in this Pinterest Era

Role of an Interior Designer in this Pinterest Era

Excel Interiors

Interior Design is a field of creating a comfortable environment & not just decorating spaces.

Pinterest & parallel photo galleries have been very meticulously designed and have evolved to flood the viewer with very interesting ideas. What happens when these ideas start taking literal forms? During such duplications we miss out on many aspect. A few of them have been mentioned below:

  1. Suitability of Design for the available space – In a effort to stretch or juxtapose the design with site constraints, it misses out on the proportions and there by total effect.
  2. Budget in Hand – If we end up compromising on a few corner details, material selection etc to curtail budget & still think “its very close”, the effect is lost.
  3. Client behavior – Life of the surface finish depends on the habits & temperaments of the users, weather effect on the surface etc. All of these factors decide the wear n tear of the surface which eventually governs the life after few years of completion of the work.

Hence the role of a designer here is to judge the client first for his choices, sense of colour & related comfort, choice of intricacy & most importantly the unrevealed actual budget. A detailed analysis of the gallery picked image needs to be done before the commitment for its replication is made.

Many times the designs are worked out with darker finishes, a lot of wood components, etc. The fact that they are developed for cooler climatic conditions and with an abundance of wood in the region needs to be considered. This is one amongst the several factors which are responsible for the shorter shelf life of these duplicated designs.

To sum up, client’s comfort, need of lasting finish & apt aesthetics needs to be blended in a perfect interior design solution.  Selecting the right look & feel Designs when collaborated with the Experience & Wisdom of an Interior Designer can only bring the desired results for the client.