7 Reasons why Civil Engineers make good Interior Designers

Civil Engineering & Architecture are the closest fields related to Interior Design. There are these 7 reasons which make Interior Design a favorite profession for a Civil Engineers.
- Civil Engineers are equipped with the knowledge of technical drawing, construction & graphics. These subjects help them integrate Interior design as their skill set, very fast.
- While a civil engineer designs a building, his client always expects him to suit all his micro requirements and handover a complete project. Additional knowledge of Interior Designing will always help him cater to the client in a better manner.
- Civil engineering demands a lot of construction field work which is not always possible for every individual, especially girls who plan to get married and take over family responsibilities. Interior design knowledge imparts them freedom to practise as professional while they are taking care of their responsibilities as well.
- Involved in the design & execution of building structure, Civil engineers understand the possibilities of renovation way better than others.
- Building construction skills have imbibed a level of perfection in the working of a civil engineer. This becomes his key strength while practising as an interior designer.
- As part of their profession, an Architect & Civil Engineer also engages in client interaction, to know their exact needs. This helps them micro plan for the client’s requirements as an Interiors Designer.
- Wear & tear of material & impact of whether on the surfaces can be very well anticipated by Civil Engineers.

In nut shell, Civil Engineers can very well strengthen their skill sets by integration Interior Design in their professional practise.
At Excel Interior Design Institute, have initiated a special course for Civil engineers & Architects which includes all the basics of Interiors like Materials, Services, Vastu Shastra, Budgeting, Carpentry etc. along with exposure on a running site to add Project Management & Design detailing to a one year course. This is a very limited seat option with a single batch to be enrolled per year. For more details log on to https://excelinterior.org/why-excel/ or whatsapp on 9850307383.
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